Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday is a Special Day

What I plan on doing:
Going to see Billy Elliot (the kid who plays Billy is on our ward!)
See the Statue of Liberty
Have dinner at some unique, quintessential-new york restaurant
Go shopping
Eat a really yummy dessert
(all of the above done while flirting with my man)

What happened today:

Saw Billy Elliot
tried to speak with a New York accent
Went to the M&Ms store and the Hershey's store (M&Ms store is way better)
Had dinner with the worst service ever. Food was okay.
Had REALLY good gelato.
Ate our gelato while walking down the pier and watching the sunset and the Statue of Liberty
We sat down on a bench and we both started humming a different song but we were harmonizing...we looked at each other and busted up laughing
Little Tade who played Billy in Billy Elliot
It's small...but it's the statue!
An attempt at getting Lady Liberty in the picture with us...excuse our faces.


  1. It sounds like you are having so much fun!! :) keep posting more about your adventures that you guys are having there! I love hearing about what you guys are up to! miss you!

  2. Miss you too, Em! I hope things are going well for you!
