Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A New Look

Notice anything different? Or are you the type of person who sees a friend with a haircut and notices something is weird but does not quite make the connection? Welllll, my good friend Bri over at The Secret Life of Bee designed and edited my blog for me. Isn't she the best?

On a different note, I always seem to be humbled when I need it most. That is always how it works, isn't it? You may have seen my status on Facebook exuding my excitement about being here in New York on the 4th of July. You really can't blame me. But this is how our day went:

We woke up early so we could scout out a good spot to watch the fire works along the Hudson (My mom and Kaylee came to the city to celebrate the 4th with us!). We found the perfect spot at about noon:


Seriously, people. This was the perfect spot. And we were so proud of ourselves for getting here early enough to snatch this spot. So we played Phase Ten to pass the time...played a little Farckle, ate some lunch, enjoyed the beautiful weather.

A man in a uniform approaches. Keep in mind police men have been passing back and forth for hours. This man, in all his power, tells us that we cannot stay there any longer because the entire park will be closed for the firework show...you mean to tell me that you have passed us multiple times for the past couple hours and decided to keep that bit of information to yourself? Wow. Okay. You mean to also tell me that I can't exercise my CIVIL RIGHTS on INDEPENDENCE DAY and sit in our perfect spot in a PUBLIC PARK? Where are we suppose to go? This is seriously the only place to see them.
He told us we needed to move across the street...ahem, excuse me--across the HIGHWAY to see the show.
We were a little flabbergasted, as I'm sure you might have been.

On our way across the highway we see people cursing at that particular officer because they had been at their perfect spot since six that morning. I even saw a woman crying about it.

We found an okay spot on the corner of the street and played more phase ten, ate some more food, played more farckle, went to buy some lawn chairs from rite-aid while Justin and Kaylee watched our spot. By the time we got back to our spot, the highway was closed off. Justin had moved our spot to the middle of the street where everyone was congregating. This spot was almost as good as our spot by the river. We had space, we had food, we now had chairs, the air was cool, and life was good.

A couple phases later (an hour and a half before the fireworks start) another police officer comes to the middle of our huge congregation and proceeds to tell us that we all had to pack up our blankets, our chars, and our games so we could squish together to allow for more people to see the show. I don't know. Everyone seemed pretty content to me. By the time we all squashed together, we felt like we were on our way to a concentration camp or something:



We no longer had our food, or our space, or our phase ten, OR our chairs that we had bought. AND we were canned together like sardines. It was hot, the little boy in front of us was screaming bloody murder for the entire hour that we had to stand shoulder-to-shoulder until the show actually started...any my feet hurt.

After sweating it out for an hour, the show finally started...and let me tell you, this was probably the coolest, biggest, loudest, most beautiful firework show I have ever seen:




The pictures really do not do it justice. 

SO, after an extremely long day and a pretty much worth-it show, we were ready for dessert. We huddled together and traveled through the masses. And believe me when I say masses.

We made it safely to Junior's for some world famous cheesecake. Let me be completely honest, all of the misfortunes of the day were well worth this cheesecake:

Strawberry shortcake cheesecake, carrot cake cheesecake, devil's food cheesecake, and chocolate mousse cheesecake.

It turned out that our terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day had turned into quite the adventure and a very full and happy tummy.

I hope your 4th of July was as adventurous as ours.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! I am so jealous of New York! I bet you guys are just having the time of your life!! Looks like you had fun with your sister and mom!!
