Sunday, June 12, 2011


Boy, this has been a while.

What I Plan On Doing:

Review material for my math test
Pass my math test with flying colors
Clean my house...the whole thing
Go tanning
Work out
Play outside
Study for finals
Go to bed early

What really happened:

Reviewed material for my math test
Barely passed my math test
Had a really long talk with Justin about the math program at BYU
Had a really long talk with my mom about how my mind does not work mathematically and how it never will in this life and yet I am still required to take math in school
Watched The Human Condition on Netflix (highly recommend)
Went to the mac store to waste money on a charger that we desperately needed
Visited some friends while Justin was fixing their car
Went tanning
Went on a walk with Justin
Was really grumpy about how messy my house is
Went to rock Canyon to play with Shane and Alyssa and their dog
Ate cheap chinese food
Watched Secretariat
Went to bed late

I was really grumpy all day after my math test. I probably should have worked out. And I found out that I reeeeally need some summer clothes. I have none. 

Hope your Saturday was better than mine.

1 comment:

  1. so you must have changed your url awhile back because i havent been getting updates from your blog and i decided to look at and there are a whole lot of posts i hadn't ever seen. it's like opening presents. haha
