Sunday, March 20, 2011

Too Long!

Have any of you ever seen Pirates of the Caribbean? Okay, stupid question...but remember that part when Kiera Knightley is standing on the plank and that big black guy gets impatient and yells..."TOO LONG!" and then proceeds to stomp on the plank so she can fall off? Well, it's really funny. And I laughed at myself when I wrote my title. GO watch it again. It will make you laugh.

I'm sorry it has been SO long since I have posted. I have seriously been insanely busy. In fact, I shouldn't even be doing this right now because I have a HUGE test I need to be studying for. But I also really need a break, so I'm blogging.

Let me tell you about what has been going on in my life. Well, last week I went to Denver. I can't tell you how many times I said, "I love Colorado" when I was there. Seriously, I LOVE COLORADO! It is just so beautiful. I love waking up in the morning and having the sun pour into every crack of the bedroom. I love that my alarm clock was the sound of birds chirping outside my window. I love the blue blue skies of Colorado. I love the way the air smells when the weather is getting warmer. I love the huge mountains that are far enough away to be awe-struck by, but close enough that you can still enjoy them. I love the clear sky at night and the stars that bring back memories of childhood. Man. I'm in love.

But the reason why I was there was to see my sister perform in Thoroughly Modern Millie. She was Millie and she was UH-MAZING! She is so beautiful! But one thing I am jealous of...

She and her friends got to ride in a stretch hummer limo in between shows to go get lunch. Cool right?!
She is the cute one on the end with the 1920s bobbed hair. She just cut it this weekend and it looks super cute! She's a brave soul.

Moving on...this weekend my family got to come visit us in Provo! It was our dancEnsemble concert this weekend and my parents haven't seen me dance since high school, so they decided it was time to see what my education has done for me. It was so fun having them here. It was also fun having them in the audience. And, because of them, I got a TON of flowers! Let me boast about them...first of all my husband knows my favorite flowers are look what he got me!

Aren't they beautiful?! And my parents got me two dozen roses. Holy cow! They are gorgeous!

And then there are ransom other flower throughout the bouquets that I got from friends and stuff. But seriously, it was so fun having my family here. 

While we are on the subject of plants, for my religion class I have to grow a plant. For a grade. If it grows, I get the grade. If it doesn't, I don't. I was really worried at first because for like two weeks I didn't see anything. Then...there was a little sprout of green! I was so excited! Thae hard part now will be keeping it alive for another month until it is due. Here is the little guy so far:
And just so you know, I didn't plant him on the side of the jar. He must have gotten washed over there when I watered it or something. All that matters is he is growing. If you have advice on how to keep him alive, I am more than happy to hear your thoughts!

Well, that's about it for now. Wish me luck on my test. And hopefully it won't be so long until I post again!

1 comment:

  1. haha i laughed so hard at the 'too long' part. i miss you! keep posting
