Monday, April 25, 2011

Bon Anniversaire!

So yesterday was our one year anniversary! I can't believe it has already been a year. Time really does fly. It's funny because on our wedding day we got a lot of advice from a lot of different people. The number one thing we heard was: the first year is really hard. I can't tell you how many people we heard that from. But we were talking about it yesterday and we really feel like our first year has been a breeze. That's not to say we had difficulties and trials, but I most certainly would not say to anyone that the first year of my marriage was the hardest year of my life. It's probably because I have an amazing husband!

For our one year Justin took me up to Park City. I have never been before and let me tell you, if you want a cute place to get away to, make it Park City. I loved it! It was so fun! We stayed at the Sky Lodge Hotel, and it was really nice. It was funny because we pulled up to the hotel and the lady comes and asks Justin if he is Mr. Fernandes. I was did she know?? I felt like a baller. We then came to find out that there were only three couples staying in the hotel that night, and we were the last ones to check in. I still felt pretty cool! But here are some pictures of the room we stayed in. It was bigger than our apartment...but I guess that isn't too hard to do! And there was a hot tob on the balcony outside the room! SO COOL!

And then we found out that the water for the bath tub comes out of the ceiling! CRAZY!

So Justin took this picture of me and Franz the bear. He took it, said it looked good, gave it to me as we continued walking down the street and I said...wait! This doesn't look good! My eyes are closed! He looked at the picture and said, oh, I thought that's what you were going for. What a poop!

It was a perfect getaway before I start school again this week. Thanks babes!

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